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2. Create Data Provider with Swizzle

What is Swizzle?

The swizzle is a command in refine-cli that allows you to customize the refine's supported components and data providers. It allows you to eject selected files from the refine packages and modify depending on your needs.

Instead of starting from scratch, you can use the ejected file code logic as a starting point and make changes to fit your specific needs.

How to Use Swizzle for Data Provider?

In some cases, refine's built-in data providers are not fully complying with our API needs and you may want to edit the existing data provider logic. In this case, we will use the swizzle command to customize the data provider:

  1. Run the swizzle command in the project directory:

    npm run refine swizzle
  2. Select the data provider package from the list of packages that support swizzle. In this tutorial, we will use @pankod/refine-simple-rest.

    ? Which package do you want to swizzle?
    Data Provider
    ❯ @pankod/refine-simple-rest
    UI Framework

The necessary files for this package are copied to the src/rest-data-provider folder with swizzle.

Successfully swizzled Data Provider

Files created:
- src/rest-data-provider/index.ts
- src/rest-data-provider/utils/axios.ts
- src/rest-data-provider/utils/generateFilter.ts
- src/rest-data-provider/utils/generateSort.ts
- src/rest-data-provider/utils/mapOperator.ts
- src/rest-data-provider/utils/index.ts

You will also need to add axios to your project dependencies.


╭ App.tsx ─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ │
│ import { dataProvider } from "./rest-data-provider"; │
│ │
│ const App = () => { │
│ return ( │
│ <Refine │
│ dataProvider={dataProvider} │
│ /* ... */ │
│ /> │
│ ); │
│ } │
│ │
  1. To use the generated data provider, we need to import it in the App.tsx file and give it as a dataProvider prop to the Refine component.

Now that you have ejected all the data provider, you can modify and use it according to your API. You'll realize that using the swizzle for creating a data provider is much faster than writing a new data provider from scratch.
